Rabbanit Rivka Wietchner
Core Semikha, Class of 2024

Rivka Wietchner is a member of the Rabbanut Yisraelit at the Shalom Hartman Institute. She is a fellow of the Herzog College Women’s Beit Midrash, holds an MA in Theory and Policy of Art from Bezalel Academy of Art, and has a BA from the Open University of Israel. She previously served as an OU-JLIC Co-Director and Educator at University of Chicago Hillel. Rivka is married to David, a rabbi and doctoral student in philosophy at Bar Illan University. She is a mother of four and loves to read and paint.
Rivka believes in connection between different leaders and communities and is hoping to make Torah more relevant to our postmodern culture, by bringing together cultural theories and deep Torah studying. She cares about making lifecycle events meaningful for the people around her by preparing and putting together ceremonies and experiences.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
#maharat10daysoftorah Shavuot, Day 10 | Dvar Torah | Holidays | Shavuot | 5783/2022 |
Making the Ideal Real | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Mishpatim | 2022/5782 |
Death, Closure, and Hope | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Vayechi | 2021/5781 |
Title | Publication | Published |