Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch
Core Semikha, Class of 2022

Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch is passionate about finding ways to create a supportive and nourishing environment for all and is committed to further pursuing a society that reflects our values. She has served in roles with a U.S. national voter registration campaign, Hillel International, chaplain intern at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and served as liaison to religious leaders and community volunteers with New Sanctuary Coalition through Truah's Rabbinical Student Fellowship. She has completed the cross seminary organizing course with JOIN for Justice and The Jewish Innovation Fellowship at the 92nd Street Y. Phoebe Ana studied at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Middlebury College Language Schools, and has studied Torah at Drisha, Hadar and Pardes, where she was involved in organizing a weekly partnership minyan. She has experience teaching English as a Second Language to adult learners and Hebrew and Judaic studies at various religious schools in New York City. She grew up in South Florida and earned a B.A. in Religion and Anthropology from American University (Washington, DC). Phoebe Ana made aliyah in 2021 and lives in Jerusalem.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
Graduation 2022 Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch | Multimedia; Dvar Torah | Graduations | Tenth Semikha Ceremony | June 16, 2022 |
Saving a People | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Shemot | 2021/5782 |
Is the Image of Greatness Merely Good? | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Bereishit | 2021/5782 |
Leadership in Bridging Equity | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Pinchas | 2021/5781 |
What’s Your Name Again? | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Noach | 2019/5780 |
Individual or Community: When Identity is More Than a Number | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Bamidbar | 2019/5779 |
Relationship Building as a Mitzvah | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Ki Tetze | 2020/5780 |
Title | Publication | Published |