Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher
Core Semikha, Class of 2020

Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher has semikha from Yeshivat Maharat. She currently serves as a community educator, teaching Torah to adults. She began serious study of Jewish texts after a career in corporate law, including almost 20 years as a partner at one of the 100 largest U.S. law firms. Rabbanit Gloria served as a rabbinic intern at Congregation Ohev Sholom - The National Synagogue in Washington, DC, the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and New York Presbyterian - Allen Hospital, and co-founded and ran her community’s women’s tefilla group. Rabbanit Gloria earned a BA from Barnard College and a JD from Columbia Law School, and has studied Torah at Drisha and Herzog College. She lives in Riverdale and West Hempstead, NY with her husband, Burt, and is a proud mother and grandmother.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
Keren Journal: Volume 4 | Dvar Torah | Keren Journal | 5783/2023 | |
Women and Shofar | Dvar Torah | Rosh Hashana | 2018/5779 | |
Power Hour of Torah: The Purim Edition | Multimedia; Dvar Torah | Video Divrei Torah; Panels and Discussions; Holiday | Purim | February 24, 2021 |
Wither the Defect | Dvar Torah | Vayikra | Emor | 2019/5779 |
A Lesson in Succession | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Va'etchanan | 2018/5778 |
The Rosh Hashana Musaf | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Rosh Hashana | 2019/5780 |
The Anxiety of Purim | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Purim | 2017/5777 |
This Matza We Eat -- What Is It For? | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2018/5778 |
The Symbolism of Chametz | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2017/5777 |
Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher - Eighth Annual Semikha Ceremony | Graduation Speeches | 2020 | June 9, 2020 | |
Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher - Maharat's 8th Annual Semikha Ceremony | Multimedia | Graduations | Eighth Semikha Ceremony | June 9, 2020 |
Title | Publication | Published |