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Sarah Kaufman
Core Semikha, Class of 2025

Sarah Kaufman interned at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School teaching middle schoolers and at Ohr Torah Stone’s Jewish Learning Center of New York, teaching fundamentals of Judaism to potential converts with Rabbi David Kalb. Sarah previously taught at the Genesis Program at Brandeis University and the Tikvah Fund. Sarah also served as the Maharat Intern at Beth Sholom Talmud Torah in Potomac, MD. She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and spent a year at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and son. Sarah enjoys baking challah and browsing bookstores.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
God’s Descent into Egypt | Dvar Torah | Bereshit | Vayigash | 2025/5785 |
If You Listen to God’s Voice | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Ki Tavo | 2024/5784 |
On Ritual Reenactment | Dvar Torah | Vayikra | Vayikra | 2024/ 5784 |
A Ladder to Mount Sinai | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Vayeitzei | 2023/5784 |
Complete Faith and Incomplete Knowledge | Dvar Torah | Chukat-Balak | 5783/2023 |
Title | Publication | Published |
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