Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Core Semikha, Class of 2017

Blessed to be the Associate Rabba at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale in NY, Rabbanit Bracha’s role includes all the responsibilities of a pulpit rabbi: delivering sermons, facilitating tefillot, accompanying people pastorally, teaching classes, guiding and orchestrating lifecycle events such as funerals, shiva houses, and baby namings. She is joyfully responsible for following up on all B’not Mitzvah celebrations, Women’s Tefillah and women’s leyning, as well as creating Halachik guidelines throughout the year, and planning and teaching the conversion program. There is room for creativity as well, Niggun Circle, “One Community | Celebrating Diversity” (Jews of Color), Yom Yerushalayim Israeli song celebration, Bat-Mitzvah LeBogrot (adult Bat-Mitzvah), and her personal favorite: giving out stickers to children on Shabbat and Chag in shul!
Rabbanit Bracha has spoken openly from the pulpit regarding mental health issues; she is passionate about bringing this topic out of the shadows to help remove the social stigma and enable individuals and families to receive empathy and support. She has taught many to leyn and is the voice of the JOFA Megillat Esther and Megillat Rut Apps. Some of her favorite pastimes are kickboxing and reading books to her grandchildren in Israel over Zoom. Rabbanit Bracha lives in Riverdale, NY with her husband, Martin.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
#maharat10daysoftorah Purim 2022, Day 4 | Dvar Torah; Multimedia | Holidays; Video Divrei Torah | Purim; #maharat10daysoftorah | 2022/5782 |
A Psalm for the Season | Dvar Torah | Rosh Hashana; Yom Kippur | 2018/5779 | |
Power Hour of Torah: The Purim Edition | Multimedia; Dvar Torah | Video Divrei Torah; Panels and Discussions; Holiday | Purim | February 24, 2021 |
Bringing Moshe To Our Seder | Dvar Torah | Vayikra; Holiday | Tzav; Pesach | 2021/5781 |
The Clergy Who Coaches: Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe | Multimedia | Podcasts | MaharatCast | March 21, 2021 |
On Raising Children | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Vayechi | 2017/5777 |
Tetzaveh and The Double Darkness of Depression | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Tetzaveh | 2016/5776 |
Community is Inclusivity | Dvar Torah | Vayikra | Tazria | 2015/5775 |
Making a Real Difference in 2020 | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Naso | 2020/5780 |
Nurturing Proactive Women | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Mase'i | 2014/5774 |
A Symphony of Sight | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Re'eh | 2018/5778 |
The Longest Day | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Nitzavim; Vayelech | 2020/5780 |
Kallah Torah Address | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Sukkot / Simkhat Torah | 2015/5776 |
Giving Thanks | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Chanukah | 2014/5775 |
Shehechiyanu on Matza and Maror? | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2018/5778 |
Finding Meaning in Empty Spaces | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Shavuot | 2016/5776 |
One Day or Two Days? (part I) | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Shavuot | 2014/5774 |
Chaplaincy Reflections | Dvar Torah | July 2015/Tamus 5775 | ||
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe - Yeshivat Maharat Fifth Semikha Ceremony June 18, 2017 | Multimedia | Graduations | Fifth Semikha Ceremony | June 18, 2017 |
Eichah Perek 1 | Recording | Holiday | Tisha B'Av | 2020/5780 |
Eichah Perek 5 | Recording | Holiday | Tisha B'Av | 2020/5780 |
Eichah Perek 4 | Recording | Holiday | Tisha B'Av | 2020/5780 |
B'Shalach | Dvar Torah | Shemot | B'Shalach | 2016/5776 |
Title | Publication | Published |