Rabbanit Miriam Gonczarska
Core Semikha, Class of 2015

Maharat Miriam Gonczarska grew up in Poland and lived in Warsaw prior to beginning her studies at Maharat. She became involved in the revival of Jewish life in Poland beginning in the early 1990s. Miriam pursued her studies in Israel at Nishmat, Matan, and Pardes. She has worked at the Lauder Foundation, Europe Magazine, Aish Hatorah Women’s College in Belarus, and the Hebrew Section of Polish Radio as a journalist. She now works for the Jewish Community of Warsaw as a Jewish educator. She was delegated by her community to study at Maharat. Miriam serves as a member of the Council of the Union of the Jewish Community of Poland and of the Religious Board of the Union. In addition, she is a member of the board of the Council of Christians and Jews and Bne’i Brith. Miriam is actively involved in the recently founded Second Generation Association in Poland. Miriam has written articles that have appeared in numerous publications and websites.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
The Song of the Jewish Future | Dvar Torah | Dvar Torah | Haazinu | 5784/2023 |
Eight Days of Light - Day 8 | Dvar Torah | Holidays | Chanukah | 5783/2022 |
Meraglim, Minyan, and Mind | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Shelach | 2020/5780 |
Title | Publication | Published |