Rabbanit Avital Engelberg
Director of Maharat BaAretz and Tehila / Advanced Kollel: Executive Ordination, Class of 2015

Rabbanit Avital Engelberg is the Director of Maharat BaAretz and Tehila: Ein Hanatziv-Maharat Advanced Semikha in Israel, and serves as Ramit at Midreshet Ein HaNatziv. She facilitates orthodox weddings outside the Rabbinate with the CHUPPOT organization. Rabbanit Avital was a fellow of the Halakha program at Midreshet Lindenbaum and holds a BA in Theatre from Tel Aviv University, and a Master’s degree in Talmud from Bar Ilan University. Rabbanit Avital has served as the Rabbanit at Congregation Beth Sholom in Providence, RI, and taught Talmud at Maharat, and various Jewish educational institutions in Israel, including Elul, Beit Midrash Alma, Midreshet Ein Prat, and Israel’s Bronfman Youth Fellowship Program.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
2019 Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut - R. Avital Engelberg | Multimedia; Dvar Torah | Holidays | Yom HaZikaron; Yom HaAtzmaut | May 8, 2019 |
The Deeds of Aaron's Sons: Between a Strange Fire to Proper Halacha | Dvar Torah | Vayikra | Shemini | 2017/5777 |
The Copper Snake - How A Miracle Turns Into Idolatry" | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Chukat | 2019/5779 |
The Four Questions (Hebrew) | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2014/5774 |
Title | Publication | Published |
2020 Ushpizot | JOFA | April 8, 2020 |