Tali Aronsky
Advanced Kollel: Executive Ordination, Class of 2025

As a member of the Veani Tefila community in Nachlaot, Jerusalem, Tali Aronsky works hard to make the Ezrat Nashim community a warm and inclusive environment. She became a gabbait for the shul in 2020, organizes learning programs for the whole community, and gives many shiurim. In 2021, she was honored as Kallat HaTorah, the community’s highest public recognition.
In the larger Jerusalem community, Tali is recognized as an advocate for authentic spirituality and the full participation of women in Orthodox communities. She is a sought-after advisor on matters concerning domestic abuse, chronic illness, mental illness, career change, and life transitions. She has spoken on podcasts about issues of domestic abuse and advocated on behalf of agunot. Tali’s online presence grew during the COVID-19 lockdowns where she became a source of wisdom and inspiration for many people coping with isolation and eager to hear chidushei torah.
Tali grew up in Brooklyn, New York, attending Yeshiva of Flatbush and graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pennsylvania. She participated in the Conservative Yeshiva Kollel Fellows’ Program, the Drisha Summer Program, Hadar’s Summer, Elul and Talmud Programs, Mechon Schechter, and Elul’s Beit Midrash Facilitators’ Program. Tali has also had a distinguished career in journalism and public relations, where she held many prestigious roles, including at CBS News where she received the Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence for her work on the September 11th attack coverage, and as spokesperson for New York City Department of Business Affairs and Jewish Agency for North America.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
On Grieving What Was—and Grieving What Wasn’t | In the News | February 21, 2023 |
Title | Publication | Published |