Purim Reader 5785
Reexamining the Megillah: A Gendered Perspective ​
In advance of Purim and in honor of International Women's Day, we are pleased to share reflections from the Maharat community. These thoughtful contributions, written by students, faculty, and alumnae, explore the theme of gender in the Megillah.​
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Unveiling the Hidden Faces of Torah
Dr. Rachel Rosenthal, Maharat Faculty and Director of External Affairs
Disobedience and Renewal:
Women’s Roles from Megillat Esther to the World-to-Come
Zan Alhadeff ‘27
The Power of Amplified Women’s Voices
Ilana Gimpelevich ‘26
Rabbi Naima Hirsch Gelman ‘24
From Rules to Renewal: How Purim Can Transform
Arielle Krule ‘25
Yehudit Mazur-Shlomi ‘27
The Masked Divine: Finding the Shechinah in Purim
Yali Szulanski ‘25