advanced kollel: executive ordination track
The Advanced Kollel: Executive Ordination Track at Maharat was created to provide institutional support and credentials to women who are already Jewish leaders with many years of scholarship. Over three years (part-time), students cover the traditional Orthodox semikha curriculum through a combination of guided self-study, havruta discussion, and weekly shiurim taught online by Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, Rabbi Herzl Hefter, and other esteemed scholars.
The study is complemented by on-site intensive seminars twice a year, during the winter and summer academic breaks.
Students are actively encouraged to participate in person in special programming taking place at Maharat throughout the
year and integrate into the Maharat beit midrash and community. Students will be given self-guided mekorot to prepare for the weekly online shiur with Rabbi Jeffrey S. Fox. Students will also take part in on-site intensive learning twice a year. Students are encouraged to participate in special programs held periodically at the yeshiva and to become integrated with the Maharat community.
The Kollel accepted its final class in fall 2022.
for more information about alternative advanced level learning, please contact:
Admissions: admissions@yeshivatmaharat.org