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volume I
Message from the Dean, Rabba Sara Hurwitz
Expressing Milk on Shabbat and Yom Tov, Rabbi Jeffrey Fox
Flexibility and Facilitation: The Case of Adoption in Jewish Law, Rabbi David Almog
Secular Jews and Forbidden Wine, Rabbi David Bigman
The Ger as Judge and Public Figure, Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber
Review Essay: Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters, Joshua E. Broyde and Binyamin Goldstein
Review Essay: Response to the Review Essay of Broyde and Goldstein, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Responsa to a Woman with Difficulty Counting Clean Days Due to Fibroids, Dr. Anat Sharbat
Teaching Gemara to Women: An Up-to-Date Summary, Rabbi Dr. Binyamin Lau
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