rosh hashana
"Getting out of Narrowness"; Hannah Ruimy ('25), 2023/5783
"Rosh Hashanah: a Time to Rejoice With Trepidation"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2021/5782
"Sudden Change Requires Slow Commitment"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5782
"Shofar Alerts Us to Present Possibilities, Not Future Peril"; Adina Roth, 2021/5782
"The Akeidah Through the Lens of Poetry (video)"; Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler ('21), 2021/5782
"Rosh Hashana Drasha" (video); Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5781
"Power Hour of Torah: The High Holiday Edition" (video), 2020/5781
Machzor Companion, 2020/5781
"Look at this Rosh Hashanah as a bespoke experience"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2020/5781
"The Shining Face of the Kohen Gadol and Personal Forgiveness"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2020/5781
"Three Mothers of Rosh Hashanah"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2019/5780
"The Rosh Hashanah Musaf"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2019/5780
"Signed, Sealed, Delivered"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2019/5780
"Rosh Hashanah: Time of Change"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2019/5780
"If Only..."; Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold ('13), 2019/5780
"Teshuva: A Counter Cultural Endeavor"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2019/5780
"Beyond the Point of No Return: On Teshuvah and Finding a Way Out"; Myriam Ackermann-Somer, 2019/5780
"Yamim Noraim: How Awesome is Our Destination!"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2018/5779
"A Psalm for the Season"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2018/5779
"Crowning the King"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2018/5779
"The Cloudy Shofar"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2018/5779
"Women and Shofar"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2018/5779
"Tashlich: Baggage Check"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2018/5779
"Please Open My Lips"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5777
"Pregnancy and the New Year"; Maharat Rori Picker Neiss ('14), 2014/5775
"Prescribing Life"; Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham ('17), 2013/5774
"Rosh Hashana Address"; Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold ('13), 2013/5774
"Change with Sacrifice"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2013/5774
"Starting the New Year Awake"; Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold ('13), 2013/5774
Address to Bais Abraham Congregation; Maharat Rori Picker Neiss ('14), 2013/5774
"The Shofar Reminds Us to Listen for Unheard Cries"; Maharat Rori Picker Neiss ('14), 2013/5774
"Elul Reflections"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2013/5774
"Holding On: The High Holiday Lesson of the Birmingham Bell"; Rabbi Avi Weiss, 2013/5774
"Thwarting the Satan for Shalom Bayit"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2012/5773
yom kippur
Machzor Companion, 2020/5781
"Of Angels & Death: Women Wearing Kittels"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2019/5780
"How to Have it All By Not Having it All: (Mis)Representation on Yom Kippur"; Maharat Ruth Friedman ('13), 2019/5780
"What the...? On the Yom Kippur Scapegoat Service"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2018/5779
"The Power of Analogy in מראה כהן"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2018/5779
"Fasting on Yom Kippur by Pregnant or Nursing Women: A Personal and Pastoral Perspective"; Maharat Ruth Friedman ('13), 2018/5779
"Ahavnu, Beirachnu: Yom Kippur is a Time to Confess Our Good"; Rabbi Avi Weiss, 2016/5777
Yizkor Address; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5777
"Forgiving Others and Forgiving Ourselves"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2012/5773
sukkot / simkhat torah
'Ve’Samachta Be’chagecha: Sukkot Joy'; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2023/5784
"The Power of Simplicity"; Tamar Green Eisenstat ('23), 2022/5783
"Imagining the Impossible" (video) and (text); Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5781
"Arba Minim, Arba Devarim"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez '18, 2017/5778
"Shmini Atzeret"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5777
"Chol Hamoed Sukkot"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5777
"Kallah Torah Address"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2015/5776
"Finding Security Within Insecurity"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2013/5774
"Power Hour of Torah - The Chanukah Edition" (video), 2020/5781
"Chanukah: the Holiness of the Doorway - the Mezuzah and the Chanukiya"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2020/5781
"Seeking Resilience"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5781
"Chanukah from Every Angle - A Webinar with Maharat Faculty" (video), 2019/5780
"Love, Light and Latkes"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez ('18), 2018/5779
"Celebrating in Darkness"; Rabbi Tali Adler ('18), 2018/5779
"Light in Dark Times"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5777
"Chanukkah and Shimon HaTzadik"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2015/5776
"Giving Thanks"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2014/5775
Chashmonaim's Leadership - Rambam vs. Ramban (Sources), Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2012/5773
"Miraculous Salvation"; Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower, 2012/5773
"#maharat10daysoftorah Purim 2022" (video series), 2022/5782
"On Precedent"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"Power Hour of Torah - The Purim Edition" (video), 2021/5781
"Back To The Garden: Purim, Patriarchy, And A Path Forward"; Co-authored by Rabba Wendy Amsellem ('18), 2019/5779
"Coercion, Choice, Power and Consent – Purim and Sexuality"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2019/5779
"Yes! And..."; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2018/5778
"The Anxiety of Purim"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2017/5777
"Celebrating Unity: How the Four Mitzvot Bring Us Together"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez ('18), 2016/5776
"Two Kinds of Gifts"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2016/5776
"Celebrating the Joy of Purim with Rambam"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2014/5774
"Hidden Miracles"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2012/5773
"Freedom and Dignity in Being Seen"; Yali Szulanski, 2023/5783
"#maharat10daysoftorah Pesach 2022" (video series), 2022/5782
"We Were Slaves — We Know What It Means to Not Fit In"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2022/5782
"Passover: Achieving the Ideal"; Co-authored by Rabba Wendy Amsellem ('18), 2021/5781
"Passover Readings"; Maharat & YCT, 2021/5781
"Pre-Pesach Divrei Torah" (video); Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2021/5781
"Power Hour of Torah - The Pesach Edition" (video), 2021/5781
"Chaos in Seder" (text) and (video); Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5780
"Embrace New Parts of the Haggadah"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2020/5780
"A 2020 Message From Our President"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5780
"Why is Eliyahu Invited to Our Seder?"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2020/5780
"Bedikat Chametz"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2020/5780
"Haggadah: Narrative Therapy "; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
"A Seder Supplement in the Age of Coronavirus"; Rabbi Avi Weiss, 2020/5780
"Our Matzah, Our Selves"; Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2019/5779
"Dayenu and the Anatomy of Gratitude"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2019/5779
"Telling the Story: Beginning and the End"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox,, 2019/5779
"Get Up and Go: Avraham and Pesach"; Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz (Kollel '21), 2019/5779
"Mortal “Pair-il”: Zugot on the Seder Night"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2019/5779
"The Metzora and Pesach: A Spiritual Connection"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2019/5779
"Pesach: A Radical Freedom"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2018/5778
"Shehechiyanu on Matza and Maror?"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2018/5778
"Seder in Bnai-Brak Hills"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2018/5778
"Rav Yehuda’s Puzzling Mnemonic Device", Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham ('17), 2018/5778
"This Matza We Eat -- What Is It For?"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2018/5778
"Psalm 114: The Maggid Ends, The Earth Trembles"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2018/5778
"A Door Opens: Reflections on the End of the Seder"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2018/5778
"4 Sons, 4 Rabbis, 4 Paradigms"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2017/5777
"Pesach: A Love Story"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2017/5777
"The Symbolism of Chametz"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2017/5777
"Counting Towards Sinai"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2017/5777
"Seder Etiquette: The Ultimate Civics Lesson"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ("19), 2017/5777
"Hallel: The Sacrificial Soundtrack"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2017/5777
"The Geulah of Gerut: Pesach as Transformation";Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Charoseth: Harshness and Hope"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
"What is the Parah Adumah?" Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2015/5775
"The Four Questions"; Rabba Avital Engelberg ('15), 2014/5774 [Hebrew]
"Giving Thanks: the Challenge of Saying Hallel During Difficult Times"; Maharat Victoria Sutton ('14), 2014/5774
"Meaning in the (dis)Order"; Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham ('17), 2014/5774
"Our Personal Exodus: Giving Lasting Meaning to the Seder"; Maharat Victoria Sutton ('14), 2012/5772
pesach sheni
"Choosing God Back"; Naima Hirsch Gelman, 2023/5783
"How Do We Teach and How Do We Learn?: Three Pedagogical Models"; Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz, 2022/5782
"Shavuot Torah"; Maharat, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, & the International Rabbinic Fellowship, 2021/5781
"Power Hour of Torah - The Shavuot Edition" (video), 2021/5781
"A Celebration of Female Friendship in the Book of Ruth"; Rabba Wendy Amsellem (Kollel '18), 2021/5781
"Embracing the Infinite"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2021/5781
"Shavuot: The Renewal of Torah"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2021/5781
"Shavuot Jews vs. Pesach Jews"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"The Night of Potential"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2021/5781
"Minhah Hadashah (מנחה חדשה): The Offering of Novelty"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2021/5781
"God, Torah and Community"; Rabbi Dr. Devorah Schoenfeld ('19), 2021/5781
"Na'aseh Venishma: On Being Hearing Impaired"; Rabbi Avi Weiss, 2021/5781
"A Day of National Judgement"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2016/5776
"A Celebration of Female Friendship in the Book of Ruth"; Rabba Wendy Amsellem (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On the Utility of Ambiguity"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2016/5776
"Finding Meaning in Empty Spaces"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2016/5776
"Chag Hakatzir, Chag Ha-bikkurim"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2016/5776
"Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History"; Rabbanit Yael Keller, 2016/5776
"Reflections on Mothers-in-law and Daughters- in-law in Megilat Ruth"; Dr. Esther Altmann, 2016/5776
"One Day or Two Days?"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2014/5774
the three weeks
"In Preparation for the Three Weeks"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2016/5776
"Finding Nechama in the Seven Haftarot of Comfort"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5774
tisha b'av
The Torah of Tears; Rabbi Tali Adler, 2019/5779
"Az Behaloch Yirmiyahu"; Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham ('17), 2014/5774
"A Holiday of Distance"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2014/5774
"The Flawed Dream"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2013/5773
Parshat Vayeitzei - A Thanksgiving Journey; Rabbanit Jenna Englender ('19), 2018/5779
"Finding Joy on Thanksgiving"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2017/5778