Emerging Scholars Cohort
Yeshivat Maharat is excited to announce the 2024-2025 Emerging Scholars Cohort! The cohort brings together post-high school young women learning in different seminaries and gap year programs for monthly sessions plus a Shabbaton.
Three members of year's cohort receive a scholarship towards their gap year program in Israel. The 2024-2025 awardees are:
Eliana Fromer
Charlotte Moreen (Recipient of the Ian J. Kagedan z”l Emerging Scholars Award)
Amit Zohar
The cohort will meet monthly in Jerusalem to explore the themes of women, leadership, and access in Israeli contexts.The year may include learning and conversations with female leaders and change-makers in the religious, social, and educational spheres; field trips to art exhibits and cultural events; opportunities to participate in volunteer projects; and a Shabbaton. There is no cost to participate, and we ask that fellows must commit to attending the Shabbaton plus all or most of the monthly sessions.​
2024-2025 Program Coordinator

Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20)
Now back in Israel where she grew up, Rabbanit Michal Kohane continues to be a teacher of Torah and Talmud in Israel and abroad, while completing her chaplaincy certification. Prior to that, she was a long-time leader and educator in Northern California, serving as rabbi, Federation executive director and more. Most recently she was the Rosh Kehila of the Prospect Heights Shul in Brooklyn. Rabbanit Michal holds a BA in Studies of Israel and Education, an MS in Jewish Studies, an MA in Clinical Psychology, and holds a PsyD in organizational psychology. Rabbanit Michal’s first novel, Hachug ("Extracurricular") was published in Israel by Steimatzky and she writes a weekly Torah blog.
2024-2025 Fellows

Eliana Fromer (Recipient of the Emerging Scholars Award) currently lives in New Rochelle, New York and is originally from Jeruslaem, Israel, but in between she’s lived in Boston and New York a few times, which has exposed her to diverse worldviews. Eliana loves the learning of Torah, specifically Daf Yomi Gemara and intricate halachic questions, and she enjoys the way it helps her get closer to Hashem. Eliana is looking forward to advancing her skills and level of learning at Migdal Oz. She plans on returning to live in Israel this summer and drafting into the IDF after Migdal Oz, after which she will B’ezrat Hashem go to University in Israel, where she hopes to integrate her love of Torah and her natural strengths in the wonderful world of math and sciences.

Lynn Gindi, is from New York City. She is planning on attending Hevruta, a part of the Hartman Institute. What she loves so much about learning is how it constantly challenges her to shift or adjust her own opinions based on what she is learning. She is very excited to spend her gap year in Israel and to learn what it feels like to be a contributing member of Israeli society. She plans to attend Georgetown University following her gap year.

Ellie Glickman is a recent graduate from Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy in the Kansas City area. She was part of a teen arts council at the local contemporary arts museum, and looks forward to bringing the lessons she learned about community and conversation from museum work to Jewish education. Ellie is so proud to be studying at Midreshet Amudim where she hopes to strengthen her Jewish identity and knowledge.

Charlotte Moreen (Recipient of the Ian J. Kagedan z”l Emerging Scholars Award) lives in Stamford, CT, but goes to school in Riverdale, NY at SAR High School. When not making review sheets or editing her friends’ essays, she can be found studying Russian, captaining SAR's Model UN team, or writing for SAR’s publications. She loves learning different opinions and analyzing texts through parshanut. She loves all the sights (and food) of Israel the feeling of being there is uplifting. After attending Midreshet Lindenbaum, she plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis and is very excited about what her future holds.

Emma Shalmiyev is originally from New Jersey and moved to Pennsylvania for high school. She loves learning about how people work and how to understand them. She loves Israel's connection to Judaism and cannot wait to spend a year in such an amazing place. In Israel, one can feel the undying love for
G-d in the air and the ground. After spending her year at Midreshet Tehilla she plans to attend Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Sonia Stern is from White Plains, New York. She feels at home in the streets of Jerusalem and in a Beit Midrash. She loves studying ancient and medieval texts and seeing their relevance in the world today. She plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis after her gap year at MTVA.

Teresa Weiner lives in West Hartford, CT and just graduated the New England Jewish Academy. She loves learning about the brain and the psychology of different people and why this makes them act the way they do. She loves the rich history and beauty of Israel and can not wait to spend another year there. After spending the year at Machon Ma'ayan, she plans to move to Israel and hopefully study at Bar Ilan University and would like to become a doctor.

Amit Zohar (Recipient of the Emerging Scholar Award) is from Miami, Florida. She loves learning new things, expanding her academic horizons, and being able to share what she has learned with others. She has been to Israel six times in her life, and even though many of those visits were quite short, she enjoyed herself immensely. She is looking forward to seeing her family in Israel and visiting the country. She will attend University of Miami after her gap year.