core semikha application process
Maharat’s Core Semikha is a four-year Orthodox rabbinic ordination program with full scholarships for women. We offer in-person, hybrid, and remote learning as well as full and part-time options with learning stipends.
Application Deadline: February 3, 2025
References Deadline: February 12, 2025
Looking for our admissions information for our
Strong Core Semikha candidates are…
women who identify as Orthodox
intellectually rigorous and have immersive, structured, Torah learning experiences equivalent to one to two years learning full-time in a beit midrash, midrasha or yeshiva environment and hold a college degree (or the equivalent)
actively engaged in Jewish community settings
entrepreneurs in social, cultural, and geographic contexts who are excited to grow in learning and leadership
passionate about serving the Jewish people
How do I apply to Core Semikha?​
Written application: This includes sections about your educational background, Jewish history, personal statements, and two references.
Learning Skills Assessment: Applicants offered an LSA will meet with a Maharat faculty member to discuss your learning experiences and assess your Hebrew and Aramaic reading and translation skills, understanding of concepts and structures in Talmud and key commentaries, and capacity for learning advancement.
Admissions Interview: Selected applicants meet with members of the admissions committee for a formal interview that will include questions about Judaism, leadership, spirituality, and the preparation of a d’var Torah.
​Questions? Contact Director of Recruitment and Admissions Liba Berger.