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Lilinaz Evans
1 day ago
Ki Tissa: Hidden Faces, Revealed Connections
by Lilinaz Evans '27 One of the most striking moments in parshat Ki Tissa is the intimate, direct communication between God and Moshe....

Jennifer Zukerman
Mar 6
Tetzaveh/Zachor: Examining How, Exactly, the Mighty Have Fallen
by Jennifer Zukerman '28 When I was about seven years old, my mother asked me to see if the mail had been delivered. I returned to report...

Zan Alhadeff
Feb 27
Terumah: You With Your Paints
by Zan Alhadeff '27 How did Moshe know how to design the mishkan? God gives Moshe lengthy instructions, from detailing the building...

Sarah Pincus
Feb 20
Mishpatim: A New Kind of Covenant
by Sarah Pincus '26 At the end of this week’s parsha, Bnei Yisrael famously exclaimed “na’aseh v’nishma–we will do and we will listen.”...

Sophie Stern Greenbaum
Feb 6
Parshat Yitro: Choosing God
by Sophie Stern Greenbaum '28 The other day I asked my son, “Moshe, if you could time travel back to any time in history, where would you...

Susan Hornstein
Feb 6
Parshat B’shalach: Is God present among us or not?
by Susan Hornstein '25 Sometimes, especially when life feels tough, we become hyper-focused on the troubles and miss things that are...

Yehudit Mazur-Shlomi
Jan 30
Parshat Bo: What Kind of Darkness?
by Yehudit Mazur-Shlomi '27 When we encounter a “natural phenomenon” that defies the laws of nature, how do we react? Do we marvel at the...

Rabbi Rina Krautwirth
Jan 13
Parshat Va'era: From Despair to Redemption
by Rabbi Rina Krautwirth In the first few verses of Parshat Va'era, we encounter a pivotal moment in Jewish history: The beginning of...

Ilana Gimpelevich
Jan 13
Parshat Shemot: Upstanding and the Qualities of a Leader
by Ilana Gimpelevich '26 Parshat Shemot opens with a review of the entire household of Yaakov descending to Egypt. Coming on the heels...

Emily Bell
Jan 9
Parshat Vayechi: In Them May My Name Be Recalled
by Emily Bell '27 Thomas Bell, my grandfather, died at home after many long months of hospice care at the age of 82. I was 18 years old....

Sarah Kaufman
Jan 2
Parshat Vayigash: God’s Descent into Egypt
by Sarah Kaufman '25 We’re used to seeing long lists of names in Bereishit, most typically in the early genealogies of humanity. If...
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