parshat bereishit
"From Darkness to Divine Light"; Yali Szulanski (25), 2023/5784
"Evicting Shame from Eden"; Naima Hirsch Gelman ('24), 2022/5783
"Is the Image of Greatness Merely Good?"; Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch ('22), 2021/5782
"Showing Up for God"; Rabbanit Yael Keller ('22), 2020/5781
"We Take Nothing With Us When We Die"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2019/5780
"Starting Over Again with God"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5777
"Being Good"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5777
"Bereishit"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5777
"On Struggle and Productivity"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5776
parshat noach
"Regret from Noach to Yonah", Shoshana Jakobovits, 2023/5784
"The Flood and the Whirlwind"; Kate Rozansky, 2022/5783
"Emerging from the Ark"; Rabbanit Yael Keller ('22), 2021/5782
"Word Arks"; Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler (Kollel '21), 2020/5781
"What's Your Name Again?"; Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch ('22), 2019/5780
"Harmony, Not Conformity"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2017/5778
"Leaving the Ark and Praying on the Road:The Righteousness of Engagement in the World"; Laura Shaw Frank, 2016/5777
"Walking Before G-d"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Finding Illumination"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2014/5775
parshat lech lecha
"Into the Unknown"; Luz Toff, 2023/5784
"The Demands of Love"; Karolyn Benger, 2022/5783
"The Quiet Inflection Point"; Yali Szulanski, 2021/5782
"V’heyei Bracha: Being Extraordinary in Ordinary Moments"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2020/5781
"Not All Those Who Wander are Lost”: “Lech Lecha and Identity as Process"; Myriam Sommer, 2019/5780
"Covenantal Clarity"; Rabba Wendy Amsellem (Kollel '18), 2018/5779
"Noah vs. Avraham: The Confidence to be Compassionate"; Rabbi Atara Cohen ('20), 2017/5778
"On Shattering Glass Ceilings"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz
"On Second Naivete"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Suffering"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
parshat vayera​
"Amidah B’et Tzara"; Sarah Picus, 2023/5784
"Checking in On G-D"; Briah Cahana, 2022/5783
"Avraham: Patriarch and Father"; Dr. Susan Hornstein, 2021/5782
"An Emotional Response to Akeidat Yitzchak?"; Rabbanit Dalia Davis (Kollel '22), 2020/5781
"The Plague of Blindness"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5781
"Vulnerability, Visiting the Sick & Hospitality: Reflections on Avraham Avinu and CPE"; Rabbanit Amalia Haas (Kollel '20), 2019/5780
"Actualizing Loyalty"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2018/5779
"The Limits of Hospitality"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2017/5778
"On Rising Early in the Morning"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2016/5777
"Vayer et Hamakom Me'rachok", Seeing a Distant God"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"Post-Partum Depression"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2015/5776
"On Laughter"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
parshat chayei sarah
"The Flutters of a Broken Heart"; Adina Roth, 2023/5782
"The Legacy of Sarah"; Susan Hornstein, 2022/5783
"Our Relationship to Land and People"; Briah Cahana, 2021/5782
"When Will My Life Begin?"; Myriam Ackerman Sommer, 2020/5781
"Searching for Sarah"; Rabbanit Jennifer Kotzker Geretz ('20), 2019/5780
"Truth On The Mind"; Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler (Kollel '21), 2018/5779
"Listening to Trauma"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2017/5778
"Ger Toshav: Finding Empathy in Civic Duty"; Rabbi Rebecca Blady ('19), 2017/5778
"Life, Death, or Both?"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez ('18), 2017/5778
"Stranger, Resident, and the Meaning of Belonging"; Maharat Ruth Friedman ('13) 2016/5777
"The Price of Piety"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Grieving"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
"A Cry is Heard from On High"; Maharat Rori Picker Neiss ('14), 2013/5774
parshat toldot
"Rivka's Dream"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19) 2023/5784
"Esav and Yakkov: It Didn't Have to Be This Way"; Rabba Yaffa Epstein ('15) 2022/5783
"Scents of Connection"; Meira Wolkenfeld, 2021/5782
"Enough Blessings for Each of Us"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2020/5781
"Founded Fears, Fulfilled Blessings"; Rabba Daniella Pressner (Kollel '20), 2019/5780
"At the Edge of a Cliff with God"; Rabba Daniella Pressner (Kollel '20), 2018/5779
"Two Truths and A Lie: What the Story of Jacob’s Deception can Teach Us about Growing Up"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2017/5778
"Debating the Future: Insights in the Dispute Between Yitzchak and Rivka"; Rabbi Adam Mintz, 2016/5777
"The Blessing of Insufficiency"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
parshat vayeitzei
"A Ladder to Mount Sinai"; Sarah Kaufman, 2023/5784
"Is This Too a Godly Place?"; Luz Toff, 2022/5783
"Rachel: Our Mother, Our Shepherd"; Talia Weisberg, 2021/5782
"There’s No Place Like Home"; Miriam Lorie, 2020/5781
"Where there’s a Will, There’s a...Mountain?"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2019/5780
"A Thanksgiving Journey"; Rabbanit Jenna Englender ('19), 2018/5779
"Losing Yourself, Finding Yourself: Jacob’s Psychological Journey"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2017/5778
"The Epiphany of Prayer"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Love and Destiny"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
"The Violation of Dinah; The Violation of our Society"; Maharat Rori Picker Neiss ('14), 2013/5774
parshat vayishlach
"When God Blesses Mourners"; Zan Alhadeff, 2023/5784
"Seeing the Divine in Dinah"; Sofia Freudenstein, 2022/5783
"When the Wound is the Blessing"; Kate Rozansky, 2021/5782
"Remembering Rebecca"; Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz, 2020/5781
"Obsessing About Blessing": Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2019/5780
"The Dangers of Favoritism"; Rabba Shani Gross ('19), 2018/5779
"The Fear of the Known"; Rabbanit Dr. Ágnes Veto (Kollel '20), 2017/5778
"What's in a Name?: The Meaning Behind and Beyond What We Call Ourselves"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2016/5777
"Dancing Toward Dawn"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Facing Fears"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
parshat vayeshev
"Forgetting to Remember and Remembering to Forget"; Miriam Lorie 2022/5783
"Five Tales of a Disrobing"; Miriam Lorie, 2021/5782
"Deceptions and Higher Callings"; Tamar Green Eisenstat, 2020/5781
"On Emotional and Spiritual Growth"; Rabbanit Dr. Ágnes Veto (Kollel '20), 2019/5780
"Tamar the Tenacious"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2017/5778
"On Success"; Rabbanit Leah Sarna ('18), 2016/5777
"On Seeking Serenity"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Wandering Towards Purpose"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
parshat miketz
"Miketz: Dina, Job, and Endurance" Rabbanit Dr. Devorah Schoenfeld ('19), 2023/5784
"Understanding Yosef's Interpretations: Bringing Hilkhot Ta’arovet into the Mix"; Sarah Pincus 2022/5783
"Our Complicated, Broken, and Beautiful Dreams"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2021/5782
"Resilient We Remain"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5781
"Finding Joy In The Snow"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5781
"Lost and Found"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2019/5780
"The Vanishing Flame: The Chassidic Chanukah Miracle"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2018/5779
"Lights From The Depths"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2017/5778
"Dreaming in the Dark: Miketz and the Menorah"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Forgetting and Remembering"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
parshat vayigash
"A Cry So Loud" Karolyn Benger, 2023/5784
"Finding the Courage to See and the Strength to Heal"; Yali Szulanski, 2022/5783
"Ki Einenu: Can We Connect Through the Nothingness of Grief?"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2021/5782
"Show Up, Speak Up, Stand Up"; Rabbanit Adina Fredman (Kollel '22), 2020/5781
"Sibling Rivalry: on Joseph and Judah the Righteous"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2020/5780
"Re-Meeting Joseph and his Brothers"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2018/5779
"Long Lost Family, Long Lost Nation, Long Lost Redemption"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2017/5778
"On Family"; Dr. Rabba Anat Sharbat ('15), 2017/5777
"On Crying and Catharsis"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"On Favoritism"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2014/5775
"Love in Loss"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2013/5773
parshat vayechi
"Arise Like a Lion" Tamar Marvin 2023/5784
"Breaking the Cycle of Favoritism"; Ilana Gimpelevich, 2023/5783
"Preserving Our Legacy: The Role of Grandparents in Transmitting Tradition"; Rabbanit Adina Fredman (Kollel '22), 2021/5782
"Death, Closure, and Hope"; Rivka Wietchner, 2021/5781
"Lasting Legacy"; Rabbanit Yael Keller ('22), 2020/5780
"On Reconciliation"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2018/5779
"Belligerent Prayer"; Rabbanit Tanya Farber ('21), 2017/5778
"On Raising Children"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2017/5777
"From Alienation to Integration: Learning to Live"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2015/5776
"‘HaMalach HaGoel’: A Blessing of Protection and a Model for Community"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2015/5775
"On Denial and Hope"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
"The Father that Never Died"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2013/5774
parshat shemot
"The Shepherd of the Wilderness" Talia Weisberg, 2024/5784
"The Path to Redemption"; Rabbanit Tali Schaum Broder ('19), 2023/5783
"Saving a People"; Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch ('22), 2021/5782
"Counting Stars"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2021/5781
"Batya’s Story: A Single Woman Pursuing Adoption "; Rabbanit Dalia Davis (Kollel '22), 2020/5780
"A Tale of Two Lives"; Myriam Ackermann Sommer, 2018/5779
"The Heroes' Heroes: Those Who Create Space and Those Who Take It"; Rabba Daniella Pressner (Kollel '20), 2018/5778
"The Israelite Women and their God: Partners in Dangerous Love"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2017/5777
"The God of Need, the God of Now"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Anxiety"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat va'era
"Age is Just a Number" Nomi Kaltmann, 2024/5784
"Are you Ready for Some Good News?"; Rabbanit Dalia Davis (Kollel '22), 2022/5783
"Does the Midrash Fit the Text?"; Rina Krautwirth, 2021/5782
"Hitting The Unprecedented Plague With A Stick" (video); Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"Our Heavenly Body"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
"What Does It Mean To Be A God"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2019/5779
"Experiencing the Process"; Rabbanit Yael Keller ('22), 2018/5778
"Savlanut! Undoing the Web of Enslavement"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2017/5777
"Pious Impiety"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Breathing"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat bo
"The Evolution of the Mezuzah"; Yehudit Mazur-Shlomi, 2024/5784
"A Darkness from Heaven": Kate Rozansky, 2023/5783
"Is Pharaoh Feeling Guilty?"; Sarah Rosenberg, 2022/5782
"Beyond the Present"; Rabbanit Dr. Ágnes Veto (Kollel '20), 2020/5780
"With All Your Heart"; Rabbanit Jenna Englender ('19), 2018/5778
"Let Me Tell You a Story: Questions and Answers in Parshat Bo"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2017/5777
Parshat Bo; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2017/5777
"Entering Fog"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Managing Time"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat b'shalach
"Moshe — General or Rabbi? Thoughts in a Time of War" Leah Fine ('24), 2024/5784
"The Time for Encounter"; Hannah Ruimy, 2023/5783
- "The Long and Short Way"; Luz Toff, 2022/5782
"An Ode to Miriam"; Naima Hirsch, 2021/5781
"Sustaining Creation Through Song"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"Empathetic Leadership: On Top of the Mountain or Down in the Valley?"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2020/5780
"From Hatchlings to Saplings: Shabbat Shira and Tu Bishevat"; Darshanit Dr. Miriam Udel (Kollel '19), 2019/5779
"Leadership, Redemption, and the Bones of Joseph"; Rabbanit Amalia Haas (Kollel '20), 2018/5778
"Crossing Over Into Song"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2017/5777
"B'Shalach"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2016/5776
"Ze Eli V'Anvehu: Pointing to a Personal God"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Singing"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat yitro
"From Hierarchical Leadership to Democracy" Chana Borow, 2024/5784
"Sabbath, Rest, and Freedom"; Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz, 2022/5783
"Drawing Near in Godly and Marital Relationships"; Naima Hirsch, 2022/5782
"Matan Torah: A New Creation Narrative"; Talia Weisberg, 2021/5781
"Making Ourselves Abundant"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2020/5780
"Images and Imagining God"; Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz (Kollel '21), 2019/5779
"Seeing is Believing?"; Rabbi Adam Mintz, 2018/5778
"On Closeness Without Convergence"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2017/5777
"Don't Go It Alone"; Rabba Yaffa Epstein (Kollel '15), 2016/5776
"On Being Seen and Heard"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat mishpatim
"The Silence of the Dogs" Talia Weisberg ('24), 2024/5784
"Justice: Both Earthly and Divine"; Rina Krautwirth, 2023/5783
"Making the Ideal Real"; Rivka Wietchner, 2022/5782
"Voices in the Gates"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2021/5781
"In Defense of Legalism"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2020/5780
"Crafting An Ideal Society"; Rabbanit Jennifer Kotzker Geretz ('20), 2019/5779
"But What Were the Terms and Conditions?"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2018/5778
"Carrying the Torah's Progressive Spirit into the Future"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2017/5777
"And You Shall Be a Holy People to Me"; Rabbi Adam Mintz, 2016/5776
parshat terumah
"At Home with God and Half an Ark" Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2024/5784
"The Partnership Between God and Humans"; Dr. Susan Hornstein, 2023/5783
"Imaging a Different Kind of Future"; Rabbi Amy Newman (Kollel '22), 2022/5782
"We Are Our Own Worst Enemy - Parshat Zachor"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"A Fundraising Dream"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2021/5781
"Repair, Revelation, and Rededication"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2020/5780
"Building Hashem's House"; Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff (Kollel '21), 2019/5779
"Creating A Space For Revelation"; Rabbanit Tali Schaum Broder ('19), 2018/5778
"Commitment to the Cause: How to Inspire People to Work Together"; Maharat Ruth Friedman ('13), 2017/5777
"Intimacy in the Void: On the Keruvim and Shir HaShirim"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Community"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat tetzaveh
"From Bagad to Beged, Betrayal to Beauty"; Sarah-Beth Neville ('27), 2024/5784
"The Lambs of Commitment"; Talia Weisberg. 2023/5783
"The Beauty is in the Details"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2022/5782
"Listening, Speaking, and Acting"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"Knowledge of the Heart, Knowledge of the Hands"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2021/5781
“Dress to Impress"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
“L’eggo Yo’ Ego”: Garments of Glory, to Those Who Seek None"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2019/5779
"If You Build It, They Will Come: Losing, Persevering, and Rebuilding"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2018/5778
"Why so many things? Can’t I just talk to God?"; Rabbanit Jenna Englender ('19), 2016/5776
"Simeni Kachotem al Libecha: On Carrying a People"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Tetzaveh and The Double Darkness of Depression"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2016/5776
parshat ki tissa
"Holy Mixtures," Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2024/5784
"Breaking the Tablets"; Emily Bell, 2023/5783
"The Rebellious Listener and the Unicorn: Moshe’s Gift to the Jewish People"; Adina Roth, 2022/5782
"Moses on Education: Breaking Through the Zoom Screen"; Emily Singer, 2021/5781
"The Artist Who Stood in the Shadow of God"; Laura Shaw Frank, 2018/5778
"The Need to Tell Our Difficult Stories: Chet HaEigel in our Wholeness and Holiness"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2017/5777
"On Seeing and Not Seeing God"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Making Mistakes"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz; 2015/5775
parshat vayakhel
"Giving Hearts and Willing Spirits"; Arielle Krule, 2023/5783
"On Lost Arts"; Tamar Marvin, 2022/5782
"Unpacking the Tabernacle to its Core Values: Vayakhel-Pekudei"; Briah Cahana, 2021/5781
"Spinning the Goats: Vayakhel-Pekudei"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2020/5780
"The Beginning of Jewish Culture"; Rabbi Rebecca Blady ('19), 2019/5779
"Indiscriminate Generosity"; Rabba Wendy Amsellem (Kollel '18), 2018/5778
"On New Months and New Beginnings"; Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter ('16), 2017/5777
"On Generosity, Love and Being Loved"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Uncertainty: Vayakhel - Pekudei"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat pekudei
"From Pharaoh’s Builders to God’s Builders," Dr. Susan Hornstein ('25), 2024/5784
"In the Shadow of God, Son of Light"; Leah Fine, 2022/5782
"The Art of Teaching"; Rabbanit Aliza Sperling (Kollel '19), 2019/5779
"Inviting God into God's House"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
parshat vayikra
"On Ritual Reenactment," Sarah Kaufman ('25) 2024/5784
"A Scent of the Divine"; Rabbanit Yael Keller ('22) 2023/5783
"Thinking Before You Help or Helping Before You Think?"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2022/5782
"The Profundity of Love’s Simplicity: The Many Names of Moses"; Dr. Shira Billet, 2021/5781
"Abby's Bat Mitzvah D'var Torah"; Abby S. and Rabbanit Yael K. ('22), 2020/5780
"Reflections on Korban Nedaveh"; Rabbanit Amalia Haas (Kollel '20), 2019/5779
"Naming Moses, Naming Our Experience"; Darshanit Dr. Miriam Udel (Kollel '19), 2018/5778
"From Outside to Inside: Invitations to Unity"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Body and Soul"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat tzav
"Our Sacred Sacrifices"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2023/5783
"What Can Sacrifices Teach Us About Peace?"; Yedidah Koren, 2022/5782
"Bringing Moshe To Our Seder"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2021/5781
"The Resource of Liminality"; Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz (Kollel '21), 2020/5780
"The Power of Separation"; Dr. Chaim Trachtman (Board), 2020/5780
"Petach HaOhel: Doorways and Opportunities"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2019/5779
"God Desires Our Broken Hearts"; Rabba Yaffa Epstein (Kollel '15), 2017/5777
"Retaining the Remnants"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
parshat shemini
"The Sound of Silence," Yali Szulanski ('25), 2024/5784
"Your Separation is Hard For Me"; Dr. Susan Hornstein, 2023/5784
"Grief's Silence"; Karolyn Benger, 2023/5783
"Be a Mensch"; Tamar Green Eisenstat, 2022/5782
"Awe is Where the Light Gets In"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2021/5781
"Humility and Obedience as a Leadership Skill"; Rabbanit Dr. Ágnes Veto (Kollel '20), 2019/5779
"Shifting Roles and Setting Boundaries"; Rabba Shani Gross, 2018/5778
"The Deeds of Aaron's Sons: Between a Strange Fire to Proper Halacha"; Rabba Avital Engelberg (Kollel '15), 2017/5777
"Difficult Silence"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Living With Loss"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
"Letting the Light In"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2014/5774
parshat tazria
"How To Become An Ex-Leper," Miriam Lorie ('24), 2024/5784
"Beyond Skin Deep"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2023/5783
"The Spiritual Potency of Our Changing Bodies"; Arielle Krule ('25), 2022/5782
"Reluctant and Visionary Encounters: Tazria-Metzora"; Rabbanit Tanya Farber ('21), 2021/5781
"Letting the Light In"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
"Seeing with Both Eyes: Cultivating Depth Perception for Honest Relationships"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2019/5779
"Imagining the Unknown"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Community is Inclusivity"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2015/5775
"On Liminality: Tazria-Metzora"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat metzora
"On Solitude and Solidarity," Emily Bell ('27), 2024/5784
"Surfing with Hope and Faith in Perpetual Impurity"; Yali Szulanski, 2022/5782
"Isolated But Not Forgotten"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2020/5780
"Our Bodies Connect Us to Each Other and to Hashem"; Rabbanit Dr. Ágnes Veto (Kollel '20), 2019/5779
"Metzora and Mashiach"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez ('18), 2018/5778
"The Toothpaste Sacrifice"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2017/5777
"On Waiting and Not Understanding"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
parshat acharei mot
"A Modern Midrash," Sarah Pincus ('26), 2024/5784
"Small but Mighty: Humility, Greatness, and Holiness"; Rabbi Marianne Novak, 2023/5783
"Drawing Close and Keeping Distance A Spiritual Dance"; Neesa Berezin-Bahr, 2022/5782
"The Imperative of vi-Yareita mei-Elokecha"; Rina Krautwirth, 2021/5781
"Backwards Revelation"; Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofksky (Kollel '22), 2020/5780
"Spring Ahead and Fall Back: When Israel and the Diaspora Read Different Parashas"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2019/5779
"Great Torah Principles - Acharei Mot Kedoshim"; Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, 2018/5778
"Everywhere I Go...: Acharei Mot - Kedoshim"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2017/5777
"To Life!"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Boundaries: Acharei Mot - Kedoshim"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat kedoshim
"You Will Grow!"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2022/5782
"Teaching Torah: Planting Seeds and Rooting for Our Children"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2019/5779
"On the Holiness of Boundaries and the Sanctity of Community"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
parshat emor
"(Dis)ability to Serve," Ilana Gimpelevich ('26), 2024/5784
"Holiness All Around"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane, 2023/5783
"The “Perfect” Kohen"; Susan Hornstein, 2022/5782
"Every Day Counts"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum ('22), 2020/5780
"Wither the Defect"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2019/5779
"An Ancient Source for Modern Concepts of Justice"; Rabbanit Judith Levitan (Kollel '20), 2018/5778
"The Importance of Imperfection"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Emor"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2015/5775
"On Embracing the Outsider"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
"Blemishes and the Fallacy of Perfection"; Rabbi Avi Weiss, 2013/5773
parshat behar
"Shev V’al Taaseh: The Powerlessness (and Power) of the Farmer," Rabbanit Dalia Davis ('22), 2024/5784
"The Covenant with Eretz Yisrael"; Sarah Kaufman, 2023/5783
"Sow Reality, Reap Utopia"; Miriam Lorie, 2022/5781
"The Nature of Trust"; Rabbi Amy Newman (Kollel '22), 2021/5781
"From Har Sinai to Jerusalem: A Place in Our Hearts"; Rabbanit Adina Fredman (Kollel '22), 2020/5780
"From the Transactional to the Transcendent and Back Again "; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2019/5779
"Leaning In As A Biblical Commandment: Behar-Bechukotai"; Rabbanit Jennifer Kotzker Geretz ('20), 2018/5778
"God as Ger: Finding Alignment through Alienation";Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
parshat bechukotai
"The Second Sex: Here We Go Again"; Myriam Ackermann-Sommer, 2022/5782
"On Theodicy: Behar - Bechukotai"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat bamidbar
"Making it Count: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value in Jewish Thought"; Sarah Pincus, 2023/5783
"Counting the Diamonds"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
"Individual or Community: When Identity is More Than a Number"; Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch ('22), 2019/5779
"It's On Us: Living the Jewish Calling at Har Sinai, in the Desert, and in Davening"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), 2018/5778
"Unbuilding and Upbuilding in the Wilderness"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Individuals and Community"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat naso
"Banishment of Impurities as An Act of Love"; Chana Borow, 2023/5783
"Erasure of God’s Name as Rabbinic Invitation"; Sofia Freudenstein, 2022/5782
"Who is Fit to be a Leader? Someone Who Knows how to Bless Others"; Briah Cahana, 2020/5780
"Making a Real Difference in 2020"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2020/5780 (video)
"The Power of Blessings"; Rabbanit Yael Keller ('22), 2019/5779
"Blessed be the Sota"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2018/5778
"Communities of God"; Rabbi Atara Cohen ('20), 2017/5777
"Ambivalent Ascetism";Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Human Initiative"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat beha'alotekha
"All Dreams Follow the Mouth"; Jamie Schwarz, 2023/5783
"Miriam’s Tzara’at: A Punishment or an Opportunity?"; Rabbanit Dalia Davis (Kollel '22), 2022/5782
"Make Our People Humble Again"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2020/5780
"Table for Five: Beha'alotecha"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn ('16), Dr. Sheila Tuller Keiter, Nili Isenberg, Lt. Yoni Troy, and Rabbi Chaim Singer-Frankes, 2020/5780
"Siblings, A Love Story, Finally"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2018/5778
"Going Up, With A Friend"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2017/5777
"On Gatherings, Good and Bad"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Not Kowing"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat shelach
"What We Can and Can't Do": Dr. Tamar Marvin, 2023/5783
“The Failure of Leadership”; Hannah Ruimy, 2022/5782
"Beyond Immediate Reality"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2021/5781
"Bad News Amnesia: Wandering After Your Heart" (video); Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2020/5780
"Meragliim, Minyan and Mind"; Maharat Miriam Gonczarska, 2020/5780
"Mending Threads and Tying Knots"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2019/5779
"On Spies, Daughters, and Claiming Our Inheritance"; Rabba Yaffa Epstein (Kollel '15), 2017/5777
"Holy Chutzpah"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Mob Mentality"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat korach
"Man has a Mouth and the Earth has a Mouth"; Sofia Freudenstein, 2023/5783
"The Hidden Longing of Dissent"; Yali Szulanski, 2022/5782
"Almond Blossoms in 2020"; Rabbanit Tanya Farber ('21), 2020/5780
"Beyond Mrs. On"; Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler (Kollel '21), 2019/5779
"The Power of Thoughts"; Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat ('15), 2017/5777
"Contemplating Kedusha"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Receiving Criticism"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat chukat
"Complete Faith and Incomplete Knowledge", Sarah Kaufman, 2023/5782
"Anxiety and Faith"; Susan Hornstein, 2022/5782
"We Cannot but Be in Process"; Dr. Tamar Marvin, 2021/5781
"The Danger of Anger"; Rabbi Marianne Novak '19, 2020/5780
"The Copper Snake - How A Miracle Turns Into Idolatry"; Rabba Avital Engelberg ('15), 2019/5779
"Job and the Red Cow"; Rabbi Dr. Devorah Schoenfeld (Kollel '19), 2018/5778
"Do Opposites Really Attract? The tragedy of Esav and Jacob's relationship"; Maharat Ruth Friedman ('13), 2017/5777
"The Staff of Supernaturalism"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Self Reliance"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat balak
"Words Have Power"; Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky (Kollel '22), 2022/5782
"The Snake and the Donkey"; Talia Weisberg, 2021/5781
"Balak Burlesque"; Darshanit Dr. Miriam Udel (Kollel '19), 2018/5778
"At the Violet Hour"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2017/5777
"On Foresight"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat pinchas
"Claiming One’s Spot in History"; Myriam Ackermann-Sommer, 2022/5782
"Leadership in Bridging Equity"; Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch ('22), 2021/5781
"Light Through The Darkness of Transition"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2020/5780
"Truth and Peace"; Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat, 2019/5779
"Save The World - Together"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez ('18), 2017/5777
"In the Shadow of Trauma";Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Being Counted"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat matot - mase'i
"Hashem Wants Our Love"; Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum, 2023/5783
"On Remembering Where We’ve Been"; Dr. Tamar R. Marvin, 2022/5782
"Standing at the Crossroads: Matot-Masei and an Opportunity for Teshuva"; Rabba Claudia Marbach, 2021/5781
"A Guide to Nation Building"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
"Fighting Fair"; Rabbi Marianne Novak ('19), 2018/5778
"Descent for the Sake of Ascent"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn, ('16), 2017/5777
"Journeys Redeemed and Unredeemed"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Faith"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat mase'i
"Nurturing Proactive Women"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2014/5774
parshat devarim
"The Beauty of Transformation"; Karolyn Benger, 2023/5783
"The Words and the Bees"; Talia Weisberg, 2022/5782
"The Book of Human Initiative"; Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky (Kollel '22), 2021/5781
"Holy Interruption"; Rabbi Emily Goldberg Winer ('22), 2020/5780
"Memories and Journeys"; Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez ('18), 2019/5779
"The Power of Goodbye"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2018/5778
"O Nivonim, My Nivonim"; Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham ('17), 2017/5777
"On the Use, Disuse, and Misuse of Language"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"On Gumption"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat va'etchanan
"Finding Purpose in Recovery"; Yali Szulanski, 2023/5753
"When We Can Only Glimpse Redemption"; Yali Szulanski, 2022/5752
"Dealing with Disappointment"; Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz (Kollel '21), 2021/5781
"How to Love God: Shema as a User's Manual"; Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff (Kollel '21), 2020/5780
"On Comfort"; Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat ('15), 2019/5779
"A Lesson in Succession"; Rabbanit Gloria Nusbacher ('20), 2018/5778
"Finding Comfort in Closeness"; Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter ('16), 2017/5777
"Intimacy without Expectations: Cultivating a Sober Spirituality"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Va'etchanan"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5776
parshat ekev
"On the Trail of the Sanhedrin"; Leah Fine, 2023/5783
"The Parsha of Hearing"; Meytal Blumenthal-Gordon, 2022/5782
"Land of Milk and Yummy": Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2021/5781​
"Jewish History: The Ultimate Guidebook"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2020/5780
"Losing and Finding Our Way"; Rabbanit Judith Levitan (Kollel '20), 2019/5779
"No Pain, No Gain: Why Discipline Matters"; Rabbanit Yael Smooha ('21), 2017/5777
"Luchot v'Shivrei Luchot: On Whole and Broken Pieces"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Step Back and Look Around"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5776
"On Loving the Convert"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat re'eh
"Binaries and Bias"; Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz ('21) 2023/5783
"Trust: A Blessing or a Curse"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2022/5782
"The Choice to Choose Wisely"; Nomi Kaltmann, 2021/5781
"Backwards Revelation"; Rabbanit Tanya Farber ('21), 2019/5779
"A Symphony of Sight"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe ('17), 2018/5778
"On Seeing Good and Seeing G-d"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Re'eh"; Rabbi Eryn London ("17), 2016/5776
"On Yearning"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
"Doing What is Right and Good: Nelson Mandela and Moral Courage"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2013/5773
parshat shoftim
"Homecoming and Wholeness"; Talia Weisberg 2023/5782
"Pursuing a Just Government"; Naima Hirsch Gelman 2022/5782
"Eglah Arufah: The Case for Radical Responsibility"; Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff (Kollel '21), 2021/5781
"Shaking the Foundations"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2020/5780
"Fighting for Work Life Balance"; Rabba Dina Brawer ('18), 2019/5779
"Measuring Matters: Lessons Learned from a Murder Mystery"; Rabbanit Alissa Thomas Newborn ('16), 2018/5778
"Elul: "It's not about the destination, but the journey"; Rabbanit Goldie Guy ('17), 2017/5777
"Facing the Challal"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Shoftim"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5776
"On Unintentionally Sinning"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat ki tetze
"Building a Railing and Spiritual Care"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane, 2023/5783
"Remember What Happened on the Way Out of Egypt"; Susan Horenstein, 2022/5782
"Relationship Building as a Mitzvah"; Rabbi Phoebe Ana Rabinowitsch ('22), 2020/5780
"The Challenge of Memory"; Rabbi Tali Adler ('18), 2018/5778
"On Returning the Lost"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Ki Tetze"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5776
"On Fitting In"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat ki tavo
"Wake Up, Your Mourning has Turned to Dawn"; Neesa Berezin-Bahr, 2023/5783
"I Have Not Given Of It To The Dead"; Jamie Schwartz, 2022/5782
"Etchings on Stone"; Rabba Claudia Marbach ('18), 2020/5780
"Sharing What's In Your Basket"; Rabbi Alana Suskin (Kollel '20), 2019/5779
"Prayer, The Fruits of Our Labor"; Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham ('17), 2018/5778
"Arvut Hadadit - Covenant of Communal Responsibility"; Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat ('15), 2017/5777
"Acquiring A Heart that Knows"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
"Ki Tavo"; Rabbi Eryn London ('17), 2016/5776
"On Praying for Redemption"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat nitzavim
"It is Very Close to You"; Dr. Tamar Marvin, 2023/5783
"What Blessing? Which Curse?"; Sarah Kaufman ('25), 2022/5782
"Lionizing Life"; Tamar Green Eisenstat ('23), 2021/5781
"Time Under Tension"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2021/5781
"The Longest Day"; Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe '17, 2020/5780
"Grit vs. Gift"; Rabba Dina Brawer '18, 2019/5779
"People of the Journey"; Rabbanit Michal Kohane ('20), 2017/5777
"Human Repentance and Godly Return"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5776
parshat vayelech
​"A Change in Perspective"; Leah Fine, 2022/5783
"Proactive and Reactive Love"; Rabbi Alana Suskin ('20), 2021/5782
"Hitbodedut Versus Hakhel"; Rabbi Atara Cohen ('20), 2019/5780
"On Hiding and Seeking- Shabbat Shuva"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5777
"On Nuance - Shabbat Shuva"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat haazinu
"The Song of the Jewish Future"; Rabbanit Miriam Gonczarska ('15), 2023/5784
"Torah as Poetry"; Nomi Kaltmann ('23), 2022/5783
"On the Wings of God"; Talia Weisberg ('24), 2021/5782
"Listen Up and Hear"; Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler ('21), 2020/5781
"Lifelong Learning"; Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat, 2019/5780
"Sometimes You Need a Good Poem"; Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne ('21), 2018/5779
"Moshe Between Heaven and Earth"; Rabbi Dr, Devorah Schoenfeld (Kollel '19), 2017/5778
"The Sacred Gap"; Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5777
"On Diverse Voices"; Rabba Sara Hurwitz, 2015/5775
parshat v'zot habracha
"Writing and Dying with Tears";Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler (Kollel '18), 2016/5777